Of course, this happens regularly here, too, every day... But I was in *England* -- the birth-place of all my beginning fantasies, the home of quite an extensive and (for those of us interested today) convenient history of, well, kink. :D Many other countries have a comparable volume of history on that subject, too, absolutely -- but this was the one I was, and still remain, most familiar with (on that side of the Atlantic, anyway).
Take, for instance, this small, seemingly innocent and informative picture plastered to the wall inside The Globe theatre tour:
What should I have been contemplating? The range and scope of occupations during Shakespeare's time, of course, and how they would relate to his father, family, circumstances, theatre, and etc... But what was going through my mind instead? Take a wild guess :D
Next, in Paris (cue schmaltzy music), while tour-cruising the river Seine, I was highly distracted and amused by the peculiar shape, size, and weight of our audio tour-guides... My mother saw me taking this picture... I very much hope she thinks I simply wanted to be painstakingly thorough in documenting my Parisian experience... :D
I decided to try and give a realistic grip for the sake of the picture, but, of course, my own hand is quite un-used to performing in such a fashion... : )
Unfortunately, as it was a school-related trip, I couldn't steal away to explore any specifically-kinky areas (for too long, anyway :D), and thus had to resort to finding the potential in the more mundane -- but it was great fun, and it's always nice to spot little things throughout the day like that, wherever you are. : )
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