Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kinky Gaga

If anyone has ever seen the fabulous show America's Best Dance Crew (ABDC), you may recognize this clip:

ABDC's Bluprint Cru: Lady Gaga Challenge

It's a Canadian group (I know... "America's?"), called Blueprint Cru, performing their Lady Gaga challenge to "Bad Romance" : )

They surprised me, too, when I watched the debut performance in the living room with my housemates! :P

I've always thought that Lady Gaga seemed to exhibit rather dark and dangerous motifs... And she's definitely not the only popstar to do so, either :D This rendition of Bad Romance taps very deeply and I think accurately into the turbulent, morbid decadence under-pinning not only this song, but a lot of miss Gaga's work.

While this clip is quite devoid of spanking, the overall BDSM and kink-tastic themes are quite fascinating :D

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